38. Intro TensorFlow Neural Network

TensorFlow Neural Network Lab

notMNIST dataset samples

We've prepared a Jupyter notebook that will guide you through the process of creating a single layer neural network in TensorFlow.

The Notebook

The notebook has 3 problems for you to solve:

  • Problem 1: Normalize the features
  • Problem 2: Use TensorFlow operations to create features, labels, weight, and biases tensors
  • Problem 3: Tune the learning rate, number of steps, and batch size for the best accuracy

This is a self-assessed lab. Compare your answers to the solutions in the solutions.ipynb . If you have any difficulty completing the lab, Udacity provides a few services to answer any questions you might have.


Remember that you can get assistance from Knowledge or the Slack channel . You can also review the concepts from the previous lessons.